
The bank module within our Discord bot offers a robust set of tools for server managers and community members alike. Server managers can customize the Bank UI embed, adjust bank tax rates, and set minimum withdrawal balances. Community members can withdraw their bank balance to their cash balance and view the current tax rates set by server managers. View the full list of commands below:

๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ Server Manager Commands

Click each command to expand for more information on how to use it.

/bank-ui - Set Bank UI embed.

Use this command to set up an embed UI for the bank in a specific channel. The Bank UI will allow users to navigate through the module without the need of using any commands. This is completely optional as users can always use the commands to /withdraw balance as well as /view-tax-rates.

This command allows the following customizations:

  • channel - The channel you'd like to post the Bank UI embed .

  • bank_ui_image_url - [Optional] URL of a custom image/gif you'd like to place on the bank embed to personalize it for your server.

  • bank_ui_embed_text - [Optional] Custom text you'd like to add to the Bank UI's embed.

/add-tax-rate - Add/update bank tax rates.

Server managers can use this command to add a new bank tax rate or update an existing one. Tax rate refers to the percentage that will be taxed when users want to withdraw their bank balance to cash balance. This command has the following mandatory parameters:

  • tax_role - The role that you'd like to set a tax rate on.

  • tax_rate - The tax rate (percentage) that you'd like to set.

For example, the command above shows that a tax rate of 10% has been set for the role @Mystic Creatures.

IMPORTANT: Do note that if a tax rate has been set for specific roles, users without any of the tax roles will not be able to withdraw their bank balance. If no tax rate has been set, all community members can withdraw their bank balance without getting taxed.

/remove-tax-rate - Remove a tax rate from the bank.

Server managers can use this command to remove an existing tax rate from the bank. This command has the following mandatory parameter:

  • tax_role - The role that you'd like to remove the tax rate from.

For example, using the command above will remove the existing tax rate that was set on the role @Mystic Creatures.

/minimum-withdraw - View/Set minimum balance that can be withdrawn.

Community managers can use this command to either view the current minimum bank balance that can be withdrawn or set a new minimum balance. This command has the following optional parameter:

  • balance - [Optional] For setting up the minimum withdrawal balance

You can run the command without the above parameter just to view the current minimum withdrawal balance that has been set.

You can also run the command with the optional parameter as shown above to set a new minimum withdrawal balance.

๐Ÿ‘ค Community Member Commands

Click each command to expand for more information on how to use it.

/withdraw - Withdraw your bank balance to cash balance.

Community members can use this command to withdraw their bank balance to cash balance. By using this command, users can directly withdraw their bank balance without having to navigate the bank UI. This command has the following mandatory parameter:

  • bank_balance - The amount of bank balance that user would like to withdraw.

For example, using the command above will withdraw 1000 from user's bank balance to the cash balance.

/view-tax-rates - Check bank's tax rates set by server managers.

Community members can use this command to check the bank's tax rates that have been set by server managers. If no tax rate has been set, users will be able to withdraw their total bank balance without paying any taxes.

For example, the command below shows that the tax rate for the role @Mystic Creatures has been set to 10% meaning that user with the role will only be able to withdraw 90% of their requested bank balance.

Last updated