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Click each command to expand for more information on how to use it.
Click each command to expand for more information on how to use it.
Looters can loot a maximum of ~5% of their own bank balance. This is EDITABLE using the /loot-config
Victims can fight back within 30 minutes to have a high probability (~90%) of not getting looted.
If the victim doesn't fight back within 30 minutes, the looter can try to successfully claim the loot with a chance of ~40%.
If a looter doesn't claim their loot within 24 hours, it'll expire, and the victim will be automatically saved.
Members can buy up to 10 shields to prevent themselves from getting looted in case they are away and can't fight back.
Each shield costs about ~0.5% of your bank balance.
Shields break if you lose a fight against the looter, and you will have to replenish them often.
Some members may not be able to buy shields depending on the amount of money they have in their bank.
You can only loot someone who is richer than you.
Beware, you can get arrested randomly if you loot too much.
Upon arrest, you can wait out the cooldown to start looting again or bail yourself out for a set amount (8% of your balance). This is EDITABLE using the /loot-config
Some members may not be allowed to bail out depending on their bank balance and will just have to wait for the cooldown.