
๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ Server Manager Commands

Click each command to expand for more information on how to use it.

/loot-config - View/Edit loot game configuration.

Server managers can use this command to configure loot game settings. This command has the following customization parameters:

  • loot_amount_percentage - Percentage of bank balance available for looting.

    • Default Value is set to 5% - This means that a user can loot 5% of their own bank balance from others.

    • Minimum Value you can set: 1%

    • Maximum Value you can set: 10%

  • bail_amount_percentage - Percentage of bank balance set as bail amount.

    • Default Value is set to 8% - This means that the bail amount for a user is 8% of their own bank balance.

    • Minimum Value you can set: 1%

    • Maximum Value you can set: 25%

If no parameter is edited when using this command, the current loot configuration is shown:

๐Ÿ‘ค Community Member Commands

Click each command to expand for more information on how to use it.

/loot - Attempt to loot another member's bank balance.
  • Command Cooldown: 3 per 24 hours

  • Cooldown can be reset by bailing out by paying the bail amount (8% of your balance)

/buy-shield - Buy shields to protect yourself from getting looted.
/shield-threshold - Set a threshold amount for your shields to trigger.
/shield-info - View you shield threshold and quantity.
  • Looters can loot a maximum of ~5% of their own bank balance. This is EDITABLE using the /loot-config command.

  • Victims can fight back within 30 minutes to have a high probability (~90%) of not getting looted.

  • If the victim doesn't fight back within 30 minutes, the looter can try to successfully claim the loot with a chance of ~40%.

  • If a looter doesn't claim their loot within 24 hours, it'll expire, and the victim will be automatically saved.

  • Members can buy up to 10 shields to prevent themselves from getting looted in case they are away and can't fight back.

  • Each shield costs about ~0.5% of your bank balance.

  • Shields break if you lose a fight against the looter, and you will have to replenish them often.

  • Some members may not be able to buy shields depending on the amount of money they have in their bank.

  • You can only loot someone who is richer than you.

  • Beware, you can get arrested randomly if you loot too much.

  • Upon arrest, you can wait out the cooldown to start looting again or bail yourself out for a set amount (8% of your balance). This is EDITABLE using the /loot-config command.

  • Some members may not be allowed to bail out depending on their bank balance and will just have to wait for the cooldown.

Last updated