The economy system in our Discord bot offers a comprehensive set of features for both server managers and community members. Server managers can configure chat and reaction rewards, set currency names and emojis, manage free rewards, add or remove balance from users, reset all balances if necessary, and even download a CSV file containing all user balances. Community members can claim free rewards at intervals determined by administrators, check their own or other users' balances, and view the leaderboard showcasing the top 10 users with the highest balances. View the full list of commands below:
๐ฎ๐ปโโ๏ธ Server Manager Commands
Click each command to expand for more information on how to use it.
/chat-reward-config - Setup a channel for giving rewards to users for chatting.
A Server Manager can use this command to set up a channel where users can earn rewards for chatting. The command allows the following customization parameters:
reward_channel- Channel where users can earn rewards by chatting.
reward_per_message - Reward users can earn per message. (Default: 1)
cooldown_per_user- Cooldown per user in seconds between earning rewards. (Default 10 seconds)
minimum_characters_to_qualify- Minimum characters required in a user's message to be eligible. (Default: 5)
You can run the command without the above parameters just to view the current chat reward configuration set for the server:
You can also run the command entering the parameters to update the chat reward configuration:
/reaction-reward-config - Setup a channel for give reaction rewards to users.
A Server Manager can use this command to set up a channel where users can earn rewards for reacting to messages. The command allows the following customization parameters:
reward_channel- Channel where users can earn rewards by reacting.
reward_per_reaction - Reward users can earn per reaction. (Default: 1)
dags_ago_limit- Number of days users can go back to react to messages. (Default 3 days)
You can run the command without the above parameters just to view the current reaction reward configuration set for the server:
You can also run the command entering the parameters shown above to update the reaction reward configuration:
/currency-config - View/Set server currency name and emoji.
A Server Manager can use this command to customize the servers currency emoji icon and name. This give clients the freedom to set any custom emoji/name related to their theme as the currency token. Animated emojis are also supported, as long as the emoji is in your server. ๐ The command allows the following customization parameters:
emoji - For setting up the icon for your currency.
name - For setting up a custom name for your currency.
You can run the command without the above parameters just to view the current currency configuration set for the server:
You can also run the command entering the parameters shown above to update the currency configuration:
/add-balance - Add balance to a users cash/bank balance.
A Server Manager can use this command to give cash or bank balance to a user. The command allows the following customization parameters:
user - The user you'd like give balance to.
amount - The amount you'd like to add to the user's balance.
balance_type - [Optional] The balance type you'd like the amount to be added to: Bank balance or Cash balance (Default: Bank Balance)
For example, the command below shows adding 120 to @vmpyre.sol's bank balance.
/remove-balance - Remove balance from a users cash/bank balance.
A Server Manager can use this command to remove balance from a user's cash or bank. The command allows the following customization parameters:
user - The user you'd like remove cash/bank balance from.
amount - The amount you'd like to remove from the user's balance.
balance_type - [Optional] The balance type you'd like the amount to be removed from: Bank balance or Cash balance (Default: Bank Balance)
For example, the command below shows removing 50 from @vmpyre.sol's bank balance.
/get-all-balance - Download a CSV file containing balances of all users.
A Server Manager can use this command to configure settings for the /free-reward command that community members can use to earn custom rewards, at custom intervals. The command allows the following customization parameters:
reward_amount - Reward amount per user per command usage.
cooldown_per_user - Cooldown per user in days between command usage. (Default: 1 day)
You can run the command without the above parameters just to view the current free reward configuration set for the server:
You can also run the command entering the parameters shown above to update the free reward configuration:
๐๏ธ Administrator Commands
/reset-all-balance - Reset everyone's balance to ZERO. Use with Caution!
This command allows you to reset everyone's Bank or Cash or Both balances to zero.
You can only use this command a maximum of 5 times in a month.
Confirmation button for safety.
๐ค Community Member Commands
Click each command to expand for more information on how to use it.
/balance - Check your or another user's balance.
Community members can use this command to view their current Cash and Bank balance.
The command also has an optional parameter that you can use to enter check balance of another user. If you don't provide the user, it'll give you the balance of the person using the command.
/leaderboard - View the top 10 users with the highest balance.
Community members can use this command to view the server leaderboard showing the balance of the top 10 members. By default, using this command will show top 10 members based on their Bank balance:
To fetch the leaderboard based on the Cash balance, you can use the optional parameter balance_type when running the command:
/free-reward - Claim free rewards with intervals set by admins.
Community members can use this command to earn reward balance set by server managers using the /free-reward-config command. If the free reward command hasn't been configured by the server managers, user's won't be able to use this command.