The Twitter raiding module in our Discord bot introduces an innovative way for server managers to organize engaging Twitter raids, empowering community members to directly interact with tweets from within Discord in return for the discord currency. Server managers can set up Twitter raid events, specifying actions such as liking, retweeting, commenting, and following, all seamlessly integrated with Twitter's API. Community members can participate in these raids, amplifying engagement and outreach on Twitter while staying connected to the Discord community. With this hero feature, users can foster meaningful interactions across platforms, maximizing the impact of their social media presence.
👮🏻♂️ Server Manager Commands
Click each command to expand for more information on how to use it.
/configure-twitter - Add your Free/Basic Tier Twitter API keys.
You can either use the FREE TIER of the twitter API (Only supports Likes/Retweets) or buy the BASIC TIER ($199/m). Get your Twitter API keys directly from Twitter. Follow the steps below to setup your Twitter API keys for the bot.
2 - Create a project and an app under that project.
3- Generate API Key, Secret, Access Token and Secret for that app. You will then use the /configure-twitter command through OnlyRaids to enter in your generated keys.
4- Under Settings click on User authentication settings.
5- Enable Read/Write permissions (and the following settings)
6 - For the Callback and Website URL you can use your own URL or any URL you want.
/twitter-raid - Reward users for liking/retweeting/commenting on a tweet.
Only works with the Basic Tier (Paid) of Twitter APIs
Server Managers can use this command to post an embed within discord that allows community members to raid a tweet by liking, commenting and retweeting directly through discord (without needing to leave discord). The members are then rewarded based on the amount set by the admin for that raid. The command allows the following customization parameters:
channel: Specify the channel in which the Twitter Engagement embed should be posted.
tweet_url: A required string parameter that specifies the URL of the tweet to be included in the Twitter Engagement embed.
like_reward: A required integer parameter that specifies the number of points to be awarded to users who like the tweet.
retweet_reward: A required integer parameter that specifies the number of points to be awarded to users who retweet the tweet.
comment_reward: A required integer parameter that specifies the number of points to be awarded to users who comment on the tweet.
duration_in_hours: [Optional] Specify the duration of the Twitter Engagement raid in hours. The default value is 24.0 hours. The maximum value is 48 hours.
announcement_text: [Optional] Add custom text to your posted raid. (Default Text: New raid posted!)
ping_role: [Optional] Specify the role to be pinged when the Twitter Engagement embed is posted.
/tweet-raid - Reward users for posting tweets.
Works with the Free Tier of Twitter APIs
Server managers can run this command to post an embed for community members to claim reward points for posting tweets with specific text including hashtags and mentions.
Below is how the embed looks for members. They can just click the "Post This Tweet" button to automatically post the tweet and instantly be rewarded for it with the points shown.
/follow-raid - Reward users for following accounts.
Only works with the Basic Tier (Paid) of Twitter APIs
Server Managers can use this command to post an embed within discord that allows community members to follow a twitter profile directly through discord (without needing to leave discord). The members are then rewarded based on the amount set by the admin for this follow raid. The command allows the following customization parameters:
channel: A #channel representing the text channel where the embed will be posted.
profile_url: A string representing the URL of the Twitter profile to be followed.
reward_points: An integer representing the amount of reward points to be given to users who follow the Twitter profile.
duration_in_hours: [Optional] A float representing the duration of the follow raid in hours. Default is 24.0. Max value is 168 hours (7 days).
embed_image_url: [Optional] To place a custom image on the follow raid embed.
/raid-analytics - View raid analytics of a specific tweet.
Server Managers can use this command to view raid analytics of a specific tweet displaying unique raiders, total likes, retweets and comments on that tweet. Along with this info, a downloadable CSV file containing user ids of all raiders and their action types is also displayed.
👤 Community Member Commands
Click each command to expand for more information on how to use it.
/link-twitter - Link a new twitter account.
If for some reason a user has to relink their twitter to the bot, they can use this command to do so.